Questionnaire relatif à l’activité professionnelle (SIE)

· Viewed 1148 times

I registered as an auto entrepreneur in January 2019. I put counselling (online) and English tutoring as my professional activity, in that order.

However, I have made zero from counselling and only 80€ to date from online tutoring.

I’ve received a questionnaire from SIE asking for details of my business activity. In particular they ask for the superficie totale des locaux, the detail de l’affection de la superficie à usage (prof, ind, com, d’habit) and detail de utilisation des surfaces à usage professionnel en magasin, entrepôt, bureaux et autres à préciser.

I would like some advice on filling this form.

The space ‘dedicated’ to my business is a desk, shared with my partner, in the spare bedroom. It is also used for studying (French) and for my partner’s freelance translation work. This room is very small and also contains a guest bed and our clothes and books. I sometimes work on the sofa. I sometimes work in bed. So I am at a loss to know what space I should declare on this form.

Also, I have noticed that the tax I pay varies based on the profession I declare. It’s going to take me longer to find counselling clients (and I will only see them online) so is there any advice regarding the order of professions. Or does it not matter as in reality, I am now going to earn more than SMIC - probably a long way off it!

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