Questionnaire relatif for SIE

· Viewed 828 times

Hi Valerie,

So I received my Memento Fiscal, with it a questionnaire that I have to send back through my account on, my questions:

1. The questionnaire has to be sent back in less than 30 days, but I just realize the deadline is less than a week; meanwhile, for creating my professional impots account, I have to wait for around two weeks for some sort of activation code. Do you think if I return this questionnaire late, there’s going to be a problem?

2. I have a domiciliation as office address, however, I never set my foot there, all of the work I did from home. But this questionnaire asking about the size (m2) of my premises, I quote here: “Vous exercez votre activite à votre domicile et vous n’avez pas d’autre local à votre disposition. Dans l’affirmative, veuillez cocher la case et préciser le nombre de m2 occupés pour les besoins de l’activité exercée à votre domicile”.
What should I input here? My room/apartment size (I live with colocataires)?

3. There’s a question: “votre société est une société de personnes souhaitant opter à l’impot sur les sociétés”.
I’m not sure what’s this means?

Thank you.

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