Questions regarding addresses for auto-entrepreneur

· Viewed 1383 times

For the next few months I will be between addresses. I need to update my personal address with the CFE, assurance maladie obligatoire, and my mutuelle. In December I set up domiciliation and updated my business address accordingly.

How does know my address to send my personal tax return to in May? Is it updated to my business address when I update my details via the green P2-P4 form I send off to URSSAF? Or is it sent to the auto-entrepreneur personal address? Otherwise I don’t know how they will know where to send it.

If it is sent to my personal address on file at URSSAF, and my personal address is a friend’s address, will this affect the amount of taxe d’habitation they will pay next year? I’ve heard that it could be. I’m going to be between addresses for the next few months and don’t want to burden my friend with any financial implications.

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