RSC registration and declaration sur l’honneur forms?

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I have decided that I will have to go back to being an auto-entrepreneur from a Contrat de travail à durée déterminée (CDD) contract to keep my carte vitale. I went into my local chambre de metiers to ask about registre du commerce et des societes (RSC) and they said with my service activities it was not required to register.

But they gave me another form to fill in (P2 CMB cerfa No 50783#03) which is a Declaration de Modification. I did tell them that my auto-entrepreneur had been my secondary means of employment for the last few years but that I was returning to it as my primary means of employment in the next few months.

This form may be as a result of my returning to being an auto-entrepreneur. I have not managed to read it in full as I have a few days work at the moment. They also gave me another form to sign Declaration sur l’Honneur de non condamnation en application de l’Article 17 de l’Arrete de Fevrier 1988 - a declaration of honour to work within my registration activities etc.

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