Reel simplifié for furnished rental holiday accommodation?
· Viewed 1707 times
Following on from my previous question, it seems that the your second option is perhaps best. I am assuming that no social charges and no taxes are due whatsoever if the net income after all the costs, e.g. interest charges on the loan for the property. As an example:
Rental Income €25,000
- Advertising €2,000
- Hab and Fonc Taxes €1,750
- Management and changeover €2,740
- Repairs €3,000
- Interest €16,000
- Garden €3,900
- Pool €2,000
- Insurance €1,400
- Electricity €1,500
- Fioul €590
- Water €700
Total Costs €33,750. Net Loss €8,780.
Can you confirm that there will be no social charges and no other taxes to pay because of the example loss? Can you give me give me the details of someone who can submit these figures to the fisc and who can set the reel simplifié up for me.