Régime simplifié or auto-entrepreneur?

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My husband and I are currently TVA registered under Le régime simplifié. I am a Conjoint Collaborateur. We have many businesses under the same roof, my husband is in the building trade, I have a small studio and create websites. We managed to get them all lumped together under one registration at the Chambre de Metiers many years ago, which seemed like the simplest thing to do at the time.  I was wondering if it was possible to separate them out, i.e. I re-register under the auto-entrepreneur scheme for my activities, and my husband registers under the auto-entrepreneur scheme for his. What is the best financial option?

Does it mean closing down completely? How long after closing can you re-register under the auto-entrepreneur scheme if at all possible? Do we have to go through our accountant to de-register or can this be done at the Chambre to Metiers? Finally, is the creation of websites a service or a trade?

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