Registering a Micro Entrepreneur business - Forme Juridique and Nature de l’entreprise details

· Viewed 478 times

I completed the registration of my Micro Entrepreneur business on 29th May after your last response above and the next day I had an update regarding my application and it looks I have a SIRET number! Just for confirmation that I did everything correctly:

1 - On I see “Entrepreneur individuel” under Forme Juridique.
2 - On I see “Libérale non règlementée” under Nature de l’entreprise.

Are the above as they should be for the creation of a Micro Entrepreneur business under the Code APE: 6201Z - Programmation informatique (this is what INPE assigned to me, when I described my main activity)? I will be providing services in UI/UX design, web design etc.


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