Registration for selling phone apps - Activite Commerciale

· Viewed 705 times

I applied via URSSAF for micro-entreprise for selling an application for mobile telephones on 22 Sep.  Having still received nothing by today, I’ve followed up for the 3rd time and was told that my file was processed last week and was given my SIRET over the phone and was told I will get a confirmation by mail.  She also reconfirmed that selling apps was an activite commerciale.

Do I now need to separately register somewhere else (eg chamber of commerce) to get the KBIS, because I am activite commerciale?  If so, what is the best website?

The lady from URSSAF told me (I think?? ) they only set up my micro-entreprise and that if I need a KBIS I would have to get it separately from the chamber of commerce.  So I am confused about what I now need to do.

Thank you

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