Registration type.

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I’m currently registered as commercial - a specialist mens clothing shop. I should really have registered as an artisan as I make some of what I sell, but I know as an artisan you need to have completed the SPI training course - and my French is not yet up to attending a course in French. I can’t claim any exemptions with qualifications as my speciality doesn’t have any. My earnings are currently low - no more than €3000 per year - its more of a paying hobby at this stage as I still work full time for a UK company. I felt it was better being registered in some form, so I can continue to get paid for what I do, was preferable than trying to stay under the radar. In the future when I stop working for my UK company and using my business for more income, I’ll do the training course and re-register as an artisan, but am I likely to get into any trouble by taking this approach at this stage registered as commercial?

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