Regulations for making Biltong in France?
I have been making Biltong (it’s a cured meat) in S. Africa for some time now and think that there is a big interest for this product in France. However I can find any regulations on this in France. I can give you some info on the product so you will have more of an idea what I’m talking about, I would like to start making it in France, so how do I go about finding out the ins – outs of doing this?
I don’t think it has ever been made there so it not been very easy getting the correct information. It is a cured meat, but very different from the cured meats there. I know about the separate kitchens and you have to have a health certificate for making any food but that’s all I know at this time, any suggestions?
Biltong: A cured meat that originated from South Africa often compared to the American jerky. But in many ways it’s different. Biltong is becoming increasingly popular by the day. Not only in South Africa, but also to South Africans and many foreigners living overseas today. Even though biltong holds South African residency, it is meant to be enjoyed all over the world. Many years ago I found myself to be addicted to biltong and eventually decided to start making my own. Biltong consists of strips of cured, air-dried beef or game. Meat is often spiced to give flavor. Raw beef or game is cut into strips, salted and spiced, and then hung in a drying area, Free from moisture and contaminants for a period of 3-4 days until dry.