Reimbursement of social charges from RSI?

· Viewed 2055 times

I am becoming increasing frustrated with the actions, or should I say the inactions of RSI. I have been told (not by RSI) that I am due a reimbursement of part of my cotisations from my first year in business (2008). I have sent RSI a number of letters over the past 2 years requesting a regularisation of my cotisations for 2008, but have not even received the courtesy of a reply. I have recently sent another letter by Poste Recommande, but again, no response. I have a tourism based business; (EI, regime: Micro-Bic).

When the Auto-entrepreneur regime was introduced, I elected to pay my future cotisations on-line, quarterly, which is a far better system for me. I am now at a loss as how to pursue the matter, and was wondering whether I could withhold future cotisation payments until I receive some form of response from RSI.

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