Remplacement taxe professionnelle par une cotisation locale d’activite
I’ve just completed my taxe professionnelle form with the sections you suggested in an earlier topic (A2, B6 & B22) but I have a question about the accompanying letter which seems to be saying (apologies but my French is terrible…) that there’s a government reform pending to replace the TP with a local tax?
The house where I live, which is also my registered AE address, actually belongs to my mother-in-law who lives in England until she retires next year. She pays the fonciere tax and I live there rent-free in return for helping my partner (her son) manage the house & land. If this new law is passed, where will I stand with paying for my ‘place of business’? Will I have to pay a percentage of her fonciere tax or an additional tax of my own? Will we end up paying two lots of tax for the same property?