Renewal of auto-entrepreneur Carte de Sejour in France?

· Viewed 1952 times

I’m back for your help and expertise now that I’m renewing my carte de sejour in France. Because I registered online for my appointment, I received the wrong list of things to bring (a computer glitch that they acknowledge). Now I have to scramble to get the new things. I have a few questions.

  1. They ask me for an declaration sur l’honneur of domiciliation, because my office is my home. Do you have some standard language in French for this statement?
  2. They ask me for a declaration sur l’honneur marge béneficiare. Are there standard expense deductions that I should take to reach my net profit, or is it better to take no deductions.
  3. I also want to clarify that as a teacher of photography, am a profession liberale, not a commercant. Correct?

I can report for the forum on the other things required. My fonctionaire was very picky and sent me for some documentation from RSI and URSSAF that they would not provide. We shall see how that goes.

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