Renting a gite to tourists and access to the health system in France

· Viewed 1564 times

I want to start renting out a secondary home that we have, and we would like to rent to tourists (using Airbnb, Leboncoin etc..). I would be doing all the associated work with advertising /bookings atc,  and I would like to have continued access to health care.
I have searched for info on the net, and realised that we do not meet the LMP status (our earnings will not exceed 23k € per year). LMNP seemed a good option, but I read in an article that LMNP earnings are considered secondary, and therefore reported annually, and there is no provision for healthcare. (The advice here was to use the form PO i for registration. )

I have visited a social lab, locally, for help on this topic,  to see if there was another way to register under the microentepreneur system, using the form PO cmb, thereby allowing me access to the health system. She advised me to use the PO cmb form, and register either as a LMNP or as hebergement touristique. On the question of continued health care, she didnt know for sure if I would be covered, and referred me to a juriste, but he finally came back and said he didnt know about LMNP, so just to register as LMP (even though we dont meet the criteria).

I would like to know if there is any possible way that I can register to rent the house out, under the microenterprise BIC system, and continue have access to the health system, please?
And, which form to use, if the answer is “yes”?

For background information, I have worked in France for a number of years, and became a chomeur in 2013. I was indemnised for three years, and am still registered with the pole emploi. I am now looking for new options to pursue, and continued health care is a priority. (My husband is “ayant droit” under my social security number, and currently so is my daughter (studying at university, in another country in the EU, but still under our foyer). I am also aware that , if I am able to register under the the BIC system, I will have the advantage of ACCRE, (though I noted that there is no mention of it on the PO i form).

I have also been thinking of other options for a business,  such as providing a service for english conversation (I have done this before, to help french people with interviews, exams, and general improvement of their language,  but I have always done it for free. )  I think I could easily turn this into a business - is there a category for this, as a micro-enterprise?

Also I am a real enthusiast for buying things (second hand, in car boot sales, briquante markets etc) and refurbishing/ modernising them, if necessary. I thought I could turn this into a secondary business, selling my ‘finds’on the internet (leboncoin etc). Is there a category for this also, please?

Thanks for your help with all of my questions!
Best Regards.

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