renting studio for SASU

· Viewed 844 times

Dear Valerie,
I created SASU in 2018 and usually work from my home based office in Saint Germain En Laye ( we do not own but rent this apartment) with occasional travel to the client’s premises.  My husband and I recently invested into a studio 19m2 in Saint Germain En Laye with the objective to rent it long term but most likely not until 2023 (our son will live there from October 2020). In a meantime I am using this studio as my office (my professional activity is related to scientific and medical writing services, all remotely, no travel anymore due to Coronavirus, I work alone in profession liberale) and will continue until September.  I am just wondering if I can rent this studio short term for my SASU ( 3.5-4 months) as I use it directly for my professional activity . I did some research and it seems the rent can only be long term up to 6 years. I hope there should be some solutions.
Many thanks in advance!

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