Residency and healthcare via a business in France?
· Viewed 1825 times
I would like to:
- Gain permanent residency in France.
- Enter the French health system.
- Register as a micro-entrepreneur to rent of part of my house (furnished) to tourists.
Please can you give me guidance on how to go about each step and the best way to do that?
More information
- I have lived in both France and England for the last 10 years but now want to move to France permanently.
- I am 55 and self-employed with online work.
- I am tax-domiciled in England but will change this to France at the end of the financial year.
- For the residency application is it necessary to show salary and fiscal information?
- I read that one could register as a micro-entrepreneur first and then that would give me a tax status in France which would allow me to apply for residency without giving fiscal information - is this correct?