Reunica and the mandatory supplementary pension?

· Viewed 1999 times

We’ve had 3 forms through from a company called Reunica.

  1. Demande de renseignements - what do I do with this?
  2. Choix des institutions d’adhesion - what do I do with this?
  3. Autorisation d’inscription sur pour le prochain trimestre

Number 3 is particularly worrying as its asking for a copy of my RIB so presumably is going to deduct money for something?  From the little I’ve learnt so far I thought I had to enrol online with to pay my auto-entrepreneur charges?  Why therefore does Reunica want my RIB? Also on Reunica’s website is an announcement dated 20/08/09 which says En tant qu’auto-entrepreneur qui n’emploie pas de personnel salarié, vous n’avez pas à payer de cotisations de retraite complémentaire.  Cependant, vous devez adhérer à un régime de retraite complémentaire. C’est obligatoire.

I thought all social charges were covered by the pay as you earn auto-entrepreneur scheme? I haven’t actually earned anything yet and definitely can’t afford to be making mandatory supplementary pension payments. Given that my French language skills are appalling, please could someone advise? Lastly, when do I have to do my declaration of earnings? I registered as an auto-entrepreneur on 09/09

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