Revenue for tax, based on billing date or date of payment?

· Viewed 1444 times

Hi Valerie, I am getting a bit confused by reaching the end of the year. If I send a invoice in December 2010 (for work done in November in my case), but get payed in January 2011, for which year do I declare this revenue on my yearly tax declaration?

I understood that for your cotisations, you only declare the actual payments that you received during the preceding trimester. So if I get payed in January 2011, I will declare this payment as income in the first trimeter of 2011 (to be declared and payed by April 30th), even though the work was executed and billed in 2010. Is this right?

Does the same rule exist for yearly tax on revenue? Is revenue based on when the work has been executed/billed, or do you only have to declare what has been actually payed? Is business revenue for cotisations and revenue for tax directly linked to what you declare to URSSAF/RSI?

Best regards,

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