RSI declaration whilst on ACCRE?

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I have an auto entrepreneur business here in France, my business began in January 2015. Since then I have had aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) but because the business has never taken off, I haven’t really had any benefit from it. In anticipation of doing better this year, I renewed ACCRE last January.

I am now being required by the caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF) to make a declaration to the régime social des indépendants (RSI) relating to my business from January 2015. I have always made the requisite trimestrelle declarations to CAF, however, they have cut my CAF entitlement. My earnings, until now have been zero but, ironically, I have just secured a contract from 1 September 2016 in which I will work as an auto entrepreneur.

Was I required to make a declaration to the RSI even though I have been on ACCRE throughout this time?  If so, this is an oversight on my part as I thought ACCRE exonerated me from charges. If I am required to declare this, how is this done because I have never received any demands or reminders from RSI?

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