RSI Dossier D’Affiliation
· Viewed 1548 times
I’ve received a form in the post, its from RSI Limousin who I opted to pay my social charges to in France. I’ve filled out the first page ignoring the part about Conjoint and Aide a la creation d’entreprise pour une eventuelle exoneration des cotisations ... but I’m stuck on page 2. Is my Regime d’imposition a Micro Enterprise as an auto-entrepreneur?
The choices are Reel, Micro Enterprise, Impot Revenus, Impot Societes and I opted to pay my charges at source when I completed the auto-entrepreneur application. It’s also asking for Vos Autres Activite(s) Professionnelle(s) with options of Regime Salarie, Mutualite Sociale Agricole, Profession Liberale.