RSI has requests original birth certificate, but only copy of passport?

· Viewed 2043 times

I am a new auto-entrepreneur company in France with a SIRET number issued (Profession Libérale relating to URSSAF and CIPAV for pension), the Caisse national RSI has requested my birth certificate and copy of UK passport to process my affiliation with RSI. I have several questions:

  1. I was expecting requests to come from URSSAF, so is this normal?
  2. The demande de pièces requests my original birth certificate and a copy of my UK passport, is it possible to send copies of both suitable notarised, or do I need send my original birth certificate and a simple copy (non-notarised) of my passport and they will return the birth certificate to me?
  3. My wife’s birth certificate, passport and our marriage certificate was not requested, should this have been included?
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