Rules for number of clients to entreprise individuelle au reel simplifie?

· Viewed 2097 times

I previously asked a question after my husband unknowingly exceeded the auto-entrepreneur business limit pro-rata despite earning under 32,900 euros for the 12 months. He has been moved up to the entreprise individuelle au reel simplify regime.

  1. Are there any rules regarding number of clients when operating under the entreprise individuelle au reel simplifie regime. He currently only has one client for this financial year as two of the jobs he was doing under auto-entrepreneur have ended. He is working to build on his client base but is the single client a problem like it would be under auto-entrepreneur?
  2. Are there any additional declarations that need to be made to URSSAF other than the end of year profit/loss report from an accountant?
  3. I am an auto-entrepreneur business and occasionally outsource work to freelancers/technical support. Are there any problems/conflicts of interest with me using my husband under his entreprise individuelle au reel simplifie regime business set up to cover my excess work now that his income limit has increased?
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