Rupture conventionelle for starting a business in France

· Viewed 2773 times

I have left my job with a rupture conventionelle and on the 9th of September and have a meeting with Pole d’Emploi. I want to get money for starting my own business in France:

  1. What do I need to do in order to get the money in one go? I heard about ACCRE - what exactly do I need to fill in and prepare for this?
  2. How much money do I get? 25% of a one year salary?
  3. Do I have any obligations for receiving this money (in case I don’t start a business for example)?
  4. Can I pay off the taxes for this money and the money I’ve earned during 2014? When can I do that?
  5. How much is the tax on this money?
  6. Is it complicated to close down an (in case I don’t kick off the company for example)? Do I need to be physically present?
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