Sales and services costs for my business in France?
· Viewed 1548 times
On my declarations I pay approx 15% charges on declared sales and approx 25% on services. My work is supply and install of air conditioners. What is to stop me declaring my services side of a job at a minimum to cut the amount of charges I pay. For example total job cost 2,000 euros - split into:
- 1,900 euros for the air conditioner (sales) = charges 285 euros
- 100 euros for the install (services) = charges 25 euros
If this was split for example another way:
- 1,500 euros for the sales side = charges 225 euros
- 500 euros for the services side = charges 125 euros
Then my total charges would increase by 40 euros. What is the minimum amount I can declare on my services side, and what is the maximum amount of profit I can add to an item I sell.
I am currently in the process of registration with the Répertoire des Métiers (RM), if I also sell the machines that I install then do I also need to register my business elsewhere.