SARL Simulator - Total Income after income tax IR

· Viewed 1418 times

Looking to set up a possible SARL for myself, I am a freelance Electronic Engineer.

I have done a simulation on Ma Compta Facile for my circumstances:

I entered:

1.  Chiffre d’affaires TTC     €150k
2.  Frais TTC                 €14k
8.  Rémunération ou salaire envisagé  €50k
11. Pour l’impôt sur le revenu, nombre de parts   4

At the end of the table for SARL I get: Revenue total avant IR €68294

  1. I have used nombre de parts, Impot = 4, family is two adults and two children under 16. Is this correct ?
  2. Does this mean I can take €50k/12 net (€4166) a month salary, and the remaining (€68294-€50k) €18294 us a lump sum at the end of the year ?


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