SARL - ZRR questions and dividend payment questions?

Lost In France
· Viewed 1971 times

We are a profit making SARL business. We are in a ZRR and we have applied and received an exemption to not pay what we believe is corporation tax. The letter states

notre entreprise pourra beneficier du regime d’allegement d’impot sur le montant des benefices declares, prevu a l’article 44 ...

I would like to know what tax we are actually exempt from paying, how long the exemption lasts for, and do we have to apply each year for this exemption to continue? I believe it is 5 years, but does that start from when we started making a profit or from inception of the business?

Also, on the basis that dividends are only taxed at the lower rate of 12%, I don’t understand why we would ever contemplate paying ourselves a salary and therefore paying the much higher social charges? A dividend payment seems like the most tax effective way of taking money out of the business but I am wondering if I am missing something? With a corporation tax exemption, it looks like we are only up for 12% but this seems to good to be true! Are social charges also payable against the dividend payments or am I missing other significant point?

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