SCI, SARL and chambre d’hotes, gîtes and courses

· Viewed 790 times

Me again. 4 of us set up an SCI and bought a property that needs renovation. Some outside work eg. windows and shutters and some inside work eg. heating system, decoration, bathrooms etc.
I read one of your old answers about how it is a good fit to have an SCI and a SARL working together and I am sure this is what we would do, but can you help me get my facts straight?
Our situation is that the SCI does not have funds. One of our group sold their house, put all the money into the SCI account, which then bought the new property 100%. We are still trying to sell our house and when we do, the money from that will pay back the first person and put money in the SCI for renovation work along with the 4th person, who has just sold their house in the UK. We will then have equal shares in the SCI and a pot of money for the renovation.

  1. The SCI will be automatically TVA registered, yes?
  2. The ‘outside work’ can be done through the SCI in order to claim back the TVA, yes?
  3. Should we set up a SARL now and the money for the ‘inside work’ go into that account? This would also be so we could claim back the TVA, yes?
  4. Can the SARL be temporary, just for the renovation work, and have no income? It was ‘sans activité commercial’ - is this still possible (although we would probably continue with the SARL)?
  5. We plan to do table d’hotes in 5 rooms (max 15 people) ‘sans alcool’, plus 2 self-catering apartments and run courses. Because all 4 of us would be involved in various parts of the same overarching business, I assume we should have a SARL rather than be ME’s as we cannot all do the same thing, yes?

Thank you in advance for your invaluable information again

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