Securite Sociale/Assurance Maladie - Leaving France

· Viewed 1360 times

Last week I finally received the Notification d’affiliation a la Securite sociale pour les independants letter from URSSAF. My issues are these:

- I put up my house for sale last week as I am planning to move out of France. As such, I have not taken any action with regard to the letter, i.e, registering for health insurance, finding a doctor, etc., as I do not know how much longer I will be in France. This will of course depend on how quickly the house sells. Instead, I renewed my monthly travelers/tourist health insurance through ACS that I have been using since I arrived in France.

What are the repercussions of not registering for assurance maladie or signing up with a doctor (which I believe I am required to do)? As I may be leaving in a few months I would prefer not to get so “involved” in the French health care system.

- What are the procedures for closing one’s business in France and notifying the proper government authorities of this? Is it a one-step process as occurred when first registering the business, i.e., you notify the business registration agency and they notify the rest?

Please advise. Thank you.


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