Selling other peoples artwork

· Viewed 789 times

Hi Valérie, firstly thank you for your first class advice without which all the ins and outs of business in France would have put me off starting anything.
I am a Micro entrepreneur classed as vente à domicile, I have a small art gallery. I am setting up an exhibition of local artists and wonder how to manage that part financially when I sell other peoples work. What will I need to mark up their work by to not make a loss when it comes to paying taxes. I started the business this year and am well below 5000 euro turnover for now. I think I will pay tax on turnover so I believe that anything below a certain percentage makup will cost me money. I am not looking to make money out of these artists - it’s just to give them exposure but I don’t want to be out of pocket.

Thanks again for all your wonderful work.

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