Separation of activities for an auto entrepreneur business?

· Viewed 1195 times

I am registered as a Commerce de detail d’habillement en magasin spécialisé APE 4771Z. My main business activity in France is selling primarily used goods online. I also sell my goods via auction houses which account for a small percentage of my yearly income.

I am now exploring the idea of selling at brocantes and via depot ventes in addition to my online and auction activity in France. Last year as a one off test I organized and collected monies for a small vide dressing in June which resulted in approximately 600 euros of space rental.

I may continue the activities of organizing small brocantes and vide dressings in the future and would be collecting monies to rental space to vendors in addition to selling my own goods if this activity does not complicate tax status.

  1. Are these business activities in France all grouped together or should they be separate when filing?
  2. If separate which business category in France would they fall under?
  3. Finally, can you confirm the caps for each of these business activities?
  4. From what I have read I believe that my Internet activity is capped at 82,800 euros, but what about the other activities?
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