Services or profession liberale as an auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1804 times

I’ve decided to register as an auto-entrepreneur. I’ve chosen Infographiste and Web Designer as my activities. After watching your video on how to fill out the form, I still have a few questions to clarify. The numbers below refer to the numbered sections on the form.

4. Sa nature: As a graphic designer, would I choose services or profession liberale?

7. Votre régime d’assurance maladie actuel: My husband is salarié and I am covered under his French health insurance (SECU + Mutuelle) paid through the company he works for. In this case, would I choose régime général des salariés (not sure as he’s the ‘salarié’ not me) or Autre?

Will I be able to stay on my husband’s Mutuelle (top off policy) which he pays for through his employment? Or do I automatically lose that once I become auto-entrepreneur and need to find another?

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