Servicing and repairing garden machinery?
My husband is thinking of starting a small business, based at home, servicing and repairing garden machinery primarily aimed at British customers. Having investigated the options it would appear that the auto-entrepreneur system would be the most appropriate way to go, initially.
Would he need to provide proof of any qualifications when registering under the scheme for this type of activity.(He has 40 years experience of running this type of business in UK, but no written quals) and what would be the description of the business as we can’t find anything that covers it in the list.
If he wanted to employ a part-time helper would he be allowed to do so and could he use the cheque d’emploi system. (We contacted Auto Entrepreneur and we think they said yes but he would have to do it through the Direction Departemental du Travail). Can anybody clarify this and explain the implications.
How does the cheque d’emploi system work with regard to claiming back social charges paid for the employee? We understand this is done as a tax allowance at the end of the year. Is this true?