How do I setup a wedding photographer business in France?

· Viewed 1518 times

I am a wedding photographer, and I want to register my business as an micro-entrepreneur (activité artisanale) in France. I have been to the Réunions d’information half day at my local Chambers de Métier and completed this day, now after the Chambers scheduled holidays when they reopen their offices I will complete the five day (stage) registration.

  1. After I complete this five day course, what steps do I need to take for my business in France?
  2. Do I need to register for a social security number with Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM),  before I finish the five day course? E.g. will the social security number be required to finish registering as an auto-entrepreneur and it is helpful I already have this?
  3. After this five day course is finished, what do I need to do to receive my Carte Vitale? Will it be required that I am already registered with a local general practitioner (GP)?
  4. Is it automatic that I am registered for my Carte Vitale upon completing the five day course, or do I need to complete paperwork outside of the Chambers de Métier?
  5. Am I covered by French health care from the date that I complete the five day course? Or do I have to wait a period of time for cover to start?
  6. Are there any steps or items I am missing to be complete in the system?
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