Setting up a business - French artisan, ecommerce or even artiste?

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I have just moved to France and am thinking about how best to run my business business. I am a photographer and have always worked for clients and private commissions. However, I am now looking to develop my business model and to offer two types of photography. To clients as before but also to sell my fine art work both online and, if possible, via exhibiting my work in physical locations and therefore selling prints etc. 

Would I still need to go the the Chambre de Metier to set up my business or am I now going to be an ecommerce and trading business and would therefore have to go to the Chambre de Commerce?

Or do I need to see this as having 2 businesses and choose one as my primary and the other as my secondary business although at the moment I am not earning anything and am not sure which would be my primary source of income as it would depend on which would be more successful.

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