Setting up business, bank, training, carte vitale, health and regime fiscal micro

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Bonjour Valérie,

My husband and I are living in France on a permanent basis. We are both in our early 50’s and neither of us is currently working. My husband is about to set up a business under the auto/microentrepreneur scheme.  The business will be a web portal - similar to It will list property for sale by private individuals (he is not acting as an agent) and all transactions between buyers and sellers are between themselves.

1) It is our understanding that this is under APE/NAF code 63.12Z. Is this correct?

2) With whom would he need to register?

3) Will he need to attend a ‘Training Course’ for this, as we’re unable to find a clear explanation?

4) Do you recommend he makes a déclaration d’insaisissabilité?

5) He has a bank account in Germany that is unused. Can he use this for his enterprise - it has a European IBAN etc?

6) The remaining questions refer to the online application form on “le portail des auto-entrepreneurs”, is this the best way for us to make our application or are there other easier ways?

7) We’ve looked at this online application form and question 8 refers to dependants to be covered under the health scheme, if he includes my details here (as his wife) does that mean that I will definitely be covered under his carte vitale? 

8) If spouses of autoentrepreneurs are no longer covered what would I have to do to obtain a carte vitale?

9) We currently do not have any private health cover, how should we answer the question about “current health provider” also in section 8?

10) We have no other income so would it be better for us to opt for the “micro fiscal libératoire” option, question 9? What are the advantages of this? If we choose “no” does this mean that we never have the option to choose this scheme?

11) Does the “justificatif d’identité au format électronique” mean that his identity document has to be countersigned by an official? 

Apologies for the barrage of questions and thank you in advance!

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