Setting up ME before getting CDS (spouse of an EU national)

Creative Elephant
· Viewed 40 times

My husband is an EU citizen so will be able to set up his ME on arrival. I will apply for my CDS ‘spouse of an EU national’ in the days after arriving. I know that according to Directive 2004/38/EC, I am supposed to be allowed to work immediately, and that France should not condition my working on having the CDS first. In practice, France does not follow this position, but until the Commission does something about it, nothing will change.

I know that registering for an ME requires an ID document, and that for non-EU citizens this is supposed to be a CDS. It is not clear though if there is scope to upload multiple documents, such as my passport, his EU passport, and my proof of having applied for the CDS. Another expat in the same position who moved to France last year has advised me to go through the ME setup process anyway, upload the various documents and, if rejected, write to the Préfecture with the Directive info.

In your experience, is it worth me trying this approach? (I will be in Ariège so the préfecture will be Foix, in case that helps.)

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