Share capital - SASU

· Viewed 1641 times

Hi, For the creation of my SASU (for which I will not be taking a salary, only dividends) I have to put down the amount of the share capital.  I understand there is no minimum, but whilst researching, I found this

Le montant du capital social

Pour les TNS associés de sociétés soumises à l’IS, le montant du capital social est important notamment dans le cas de distribution de dividendes car la quote-part supérieure à 10% du total suivant : capital + prime d’émission + apports en compte courant, est assujettie aux cotisations sociales. (from

which I translated as -

For the associated TNS of companies subject to corporate income tax, the amount of the share capital is significant, particularly in the case of dividend distribution because the share exceeding 10% of the following total: capital + share premium + contributions to account current, is subject to social security contributions.

Could you please explain what this means to a business beginner?  I need to decide how much capital to put in, also, is there anything else I need to consider?

Many thanks

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