Should I call RSI or URSSAF about my carte vitale?

· Viewed 1497 times

I registered as an auto-entrepreneur effective from 1/3/10, but my Carte Vitale is still working and I still seem to registered for healthcare through CPAM. I’ve recently had dental treatment and I was expecting my CV not to be accepted but the dentist said it went through the card reader OK and I have just received reimbursement from CPAM (and then the balance from our mutuelle) Also received a letter today from CPAM about my EHIC.

Having read other postings I suppose this is better than having no health cover while the various departments sort themselves out, but I am presuming that my dossier may not have been sent on to the right department when I first sent in the application. Question is, who should I contact to check what’s happening? As it seems that RSI have not yet had anything about me, should I contact URSSAF first? I don’t know whether it would make any difference to how things are done but I was working in the UK before I started my business and got my C.V by means of an E106. Any advice gratefully received as usual.

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