Should I change to professionale libérale?

· Viewed 1621 times

I run an event management company that is at the moment an auto-entrepreneur status. My concern is that the way I work is to take the clients budget in its entirety (can be up to €250,000) and then I negotiate with suppliers and pay them from this pot. The client is not charged a fee instead I earn my commission by how hard I can negotiate with the suppliers.

Therefore I never know how much I will earn, but I am not sure if this is seen as charging expenses rather than profit. The questions are.

  1. Can I charge the negotiated prices on behalf of my clients as expenses as an auto-entrepreneur?
  2. If I can then I need to know that the tax office does not see the initial budget payment made to me as profit?
  3. If not then would the best thing to be a professionale liberale?

My concern is that I may get one very large event and then be charged the cotisations for the following years when I have no clients, as I understand it you have to pay based on the first year?

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