Should I have received attestation fiscale 2013 by now?
· Viewed 1814 times
I have not yet received my Attestation Fiscale 2013? Should I have received it by now or do I need to contact RSI? Also, do you know what the limit is this year, I assume it goes up a little each year?
The figure is detailed in the attestation fiscal from RSI/URSSAF each year. In 2012 it was 26,412 euros I believe. I have asked you what it is this year, but I meant for the year 2013. My concern is that my income in France last year was 25,700 euros, but I have earned 927 euros interest on a savings account in the UK so this would put me over by about 200 euros if this years limit remains the same as last year. Do you think this would mean I would loose the option to continue to pay my tax at the 1.7% rate on a monthly basis as I do now?