Should I move to enterprise individual and regime reel?
· Viewed 1603 times
You recently advised me on steps to take with regards to switching my marketing consultancy business in France from auto-entrepreneur to agent immobilier. I have two things I need clarifying if moving to enterprise individual and regime reel.
- My expenses are low. I work from a home office. I may be able to claim travel expenses (driving), accountancy fees, office purchases, liability insurance. I will mainly earn an income from a tour operator that I will be working for (attracting holidaymakers to rent apartments, and I may earn a commission from time to time helping owners sell their property). What else may I be able to claim against my income given that I will pay 46% of net profit in social charges? Will it be worth it?
- I read your article and it seems to recommend that changing my status from auto-entrepreneur to enterprise individual and regime reel should be done at the end of the financial year. Is this however not the case if I am changing activity completely?