Should I receive an Avis appel de cotisation from RSI

· Viewed 1332 times

Hello Valérie, Hello Forum members,

Having recently set up as an auto/micro-entrepreneur, I have received today from the RSI a “Notification de situation - Avis d’appel de cotisation”. It indicates “Nous avons bien enregistré votre demande d’immatriculation. Vous êtes redevable de votre cotisation d’assurance maladie obligatoire. Vous êtes affilié au régime social des indépendants à compter du…” It then shows a table indicating “Périodes, Cotisations, Majorations de retard, Versements…”

Although the total is currently indicated as 0 euros, I wanted to check this with you as my understanding was that I would pay all cotisations/charges sociales via the site and would not receive an “appel de cotisation” from the RSI.

Please could you confirm/explain this to me? Thank you so much!

Kind regards,

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