Should my business in France be set up as an EI, EIRL or EURL?

· Viewed 1977 times

I have a business in France registered with chambre de commerce since 2009 as micro enterprise, I have a garage offering sales and repairs of vehicles, it’s run from home using one of our barns and the land for storing cars. In January 2013 I changed status to auto-entrepreneur to simplify things. In July this year my primary activity changed - sales of new and used vehicles is now my main activity.

As auto entrepreneur is not a suitable regime for the sales of cars, I need to change but cannot work out if entreprise individuelle réel simplifié (EI), entrepreneur individuel à responsabilité limitée (EIRL) or entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée (EURL) is the best way forward. I know the change must occur for the 1st January 2015 or I will be stuck on auto-entrepreneur for another year which cannot work.

The most recent part of the business (main activity sales) was started with a substantial investment from a family member who I will need to be able to reimburse ideally monthly with a percentage of the profit from sales. I have many assets to the business that I have accumulated these last few months, e.g. stock, cars, equipment, tools.

Is there anyway of offsetting expenses, e.g. advertising, joining this forum etc., in next years turnover? Or bringing them in as capital?

All of our money is currently invested in the business, so I cannot see how we could afford to create a EURL company and we are also battling a limited timescale as it really must be ready for 2015. My gut feeling is that we would be better to just change to impots status to mini reel simplifie - but open to suggestions.

I envisage my turnover to be in excess of 150,000 euros for the coming year and I would like to claim back TVA as well as travel expenses which are very high as I collect vehicles all over Europe.

Any advice appreciated.

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