Should my husband be a conjoint collaborateur in France?

· Viewed 1690 times

If my husband joins my auto-entrepreneur business in France as a conjoint collaborateur, I understand this will incur the additional social charges to cover that work - in the region of 2,700 euros to 3,000 euros a year. Can I confirm the process for invoicing, net-enterprises declarations and the auto-entrepreneur limit?

  1. Would my husband send separate invoices for any work he does for me, or would we continue to send invoices under my name using my SIRET number?
  2. Would we continue to make one net-enterprises declaration each trimestre or would he need to make a separate declaration for the work he has done on my behalf/to help me?
  3. Would we still only have an auto-entrepreneur limit of 32,900 euros a year (professional liberale) or would he have his own auto-entrepreneur limit to take in work he has contributed?
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