Should we change our principal auto-entrepreneur activity?

· Viewed 1570 times

I am the chef d’enterprise for Pattes et Peintures. This is an auto-entrepreneur business set up in November 2013. My wife is the conjoint collaborateur. We registered at the chambre de metier to set up the entreprise. The principal activity was graphism, publicity as activities de pre-presse.

Under activite exercee(s) in the declaration de creation d’une entreprise we added gardiennage et garde d’animaux (et ambulant). We have found after a year that most of our business come through pet sitting and looking after pets in others homes. It is not a pension or chenil but we do get regular clients.

Would it be better to change the structure of the business so my wife is the chef d’enterprise and I am conjoint collaborateur? Would we need to do this through the Chambre de Commerce? I had a reply from the RSI who told me I could modify the activity on the auto-entrepreneur website. I am not sure after checking this would be possible as I believe the NCA will be autres services personnels.

Do I need to change at all? Do we need to swap from chambre de metiers to commerce?

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