Simplest way to pay tax on rental income for non-resident

· Viewed 1199 times

Hello Valerie

My husband and I bought a 3 storey house in Haute Savoie and we have let the bottom floor as a holiday let since 2017.
We are not resident in France, we live in the UK but we spend the ski season in our house in France.

We understand that the simplest way to pay tax is via a Micro Bic and that we need to complete forms 2042 et une déclaration 2042C PRO

Previously my husband owned a flat in another French ski resort and paid taxe habitation and fonciere and so he has a NIF already.  Until renting out our current property in 2017, he has not had any income in France.

Please could you advise on the following:-

  1. Do I also need to apply for a NIF or can the micro bic be processed in my husband’s name only?
  2. Am I right in thinking that Micro Bic is the same as auto-entrepreneur?
  3. Since this is the first tax return, we need to complete a paper form.  2042 and 2042 PRO?  please can you advise where we can download these from? Is the NIF required for the download.

Many thanks in advance for your help


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