Social charges and benefits with portage salarial?

· Viewed 1976 times

Portage salarial seems to be the suitable structure for my business in France (consulting), since I have only one customer per year.
I have visited various websites of these umbrella companies and they describe that you are treated like an employee and also receive social benefits like for sick and unemployment.

  1. How does this work when I am ill during a contract, i.e. 1 week? Do I get paid my daily rate or fixed amount?
  2. When my contract is finished and I don’t have a new one, can I claim to be unemployment and if so for how long?
  3. I am in the French social system and through the auto-entrepreneur business I pay social charges as and when I earn (Pay-as-you-go). Does this also apply for the portage salarial system? How long can be the gap of not paying social contributions? You mentioned social charges are around 22% of the net income for Portage Salarial. The calculators on the websites use an amount of around 42%?
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