Social Security Documentation: Birth Certificates

JT Griffin
· Viewed 866 times

I have been set-up as an autoentrepreneur since January 2019. I received a letter in March from the ‘Securite Sociale Independantes’ asking for copies of my birth certificate and passport. After 3-4 months, I have finally received my birth certificate from the UK, but I am unsure if I need to do anything else with it….The specifications within the letter are as follows:

‘Attention, tout acte de naissance doit etre muni d’un tampon visible pour etre recevable. Les copies sont acceptés a condition que les tampons soient visibles et les documents lisibles’.

‘Attention, sont dispensées de traduction les langues suivantes: anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, et portugais.

Essentially, I am unsure if I need my birth certiciate to be translated and/or certified/legalised?...what I have does not have a ‘visible’ stamp.

Thanks in advance for your help,

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