Social security number and carte vitale?

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I have successfully set up an Auto entrepreneur business in France. This was done in May/June and I am now trying to chase up my Carte Vitale but am having a few problems. My Assurance Maladie is with RAM Professions Liberales Provinces N1811, so today I spoke to RAM in Gueret on 0811 012012. They have no record of me and no dossier open and directed me to RSI Limousin. I then rang them on 0555 085508 and they also have no record of me.

Both RAM and RSI asked for my social security number and I have not yet been issued with one so could not give it to them. My French is reasonable (I think), but when RSI could not find me on their system, they quickly gave me a phone number for Cordiale Assistance in the Limousin (0555 694781) and promptly ended the call. This turns out to be a paying service for translations and integration assistance. Seems that things got too difficult to explain and they could not be bothered. Needless to say, I have had a frustrating, fruitless day. Where do I go from here?

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