Start a business in France for two different business activities?

· Viewed 1585 times

I have a business meeting in France and will have to decide whether to become an auto-entrepreneur as formatrice indépendante. If I have to start an auto-entrepreneur business in France I’d like it to be for formatrice indépendante and also for my online shop selling handmade stuff and vintage articles. Does this all go under the same number of auto-entrepreneur? I am still teaching at a school as well. What kind of choices do I make that are best for both professional activities.

What about losing my normal social rights or carte vitale, does that change with an auto-entrepreneur? Are there consequences for my insurance (complémentaire: we have now Maaf second highest subscription)?

My file at pôle emploi is under investigation as I forgot to ask to open my rights at the académie de Montpellier. First year more than full time work, last year 15, this year one, so I should have asked it then but didn’t know. So pôle emploi wants to first have those papers I understood that if your file is ok at pôle emploi you have opportunities for tax deduction or exonération.

I have to take into account working as a teacher at the academie (nothing to do with auto-entrepreneur) and working as a formatrice indépendante and running an online shop as an auto-entrepreneur business in France.

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